Tuesday 8 February 2011

Shaken Not Stirred - Idea & Storyboard 1

Below is a principle written idea for the assignment trailer, accompanied by initial storyboard ideas.

I really like the potential concept, though i realise that it may be a little complicated in terms of actually animating it. I'm not sure at this stage whether with my knowledge of the program it would be achievable visually?

I wanted to put it down as an idea on paper though, as it has been something running around in my mind. It is an initial idea that needs development. The storyboards and drawings are very basic at this stage, though it has been helpful to me in order to visualize the idea...

As I mentioned previously, it is based upon elements from "Live and Let Die".

Written Idea:


1 comment:

  1. You are one of only a few people who have produced a drawn storyboard - so well done! it is good as it makes you think about the action and refine it if needs be, which is what you have done in you latest post. Your action should make sense as you have spent time on thinking it through.
